Teach Your Dog the Right Way

Read more about my training practices here. In short, here are the essential elements that make my methods so effective:

  • Lay the Perfect Foundation for Training Success

    For your dog to be receptive to training, it's crucial that all their basic needs are met first. A healthy dog who receives regular exercise and mental stimulation is more likely to successfully absorb new lessons and skills. In simpler terms, a happy and well-cared-for dog is a trainable dog!

  • Understand Your Dog's "Why"

    The first step in any successful training is understanding why your dog behaves the way they do. Knowing the root cause allows us to target our training techniques for maximum impact.

  • Focus on Positive Alternatives

    Instead of merely telling your dog what NOT to do, I'll guide you in teaching them what they SHOULD do. This helps your dog not only avoid unwanted behaviors but also promotes positive ones, creating a win-win situation.

  • Crystal-Clear Communication

    Together, we'll work on refining your communication skills, ensuring that you and your dog have clarity in your interactions. Clear communication also means that you’ll learn to provide consistent consequences, expectations, and incentives.


    For the majority of dogs, the allure of the outside world tends to overshadow their owners. Using the right incentives, we'll teach your dog that choosing to focus on you is always the best option—even in challenging or stimulating environments.

What’s Included?

  • Real-time Coaching for effective training

    I don't just walk you through a list of exercises; I pay close attention to the unique dynamic between you and your dog. As you work with your dog, I provide immediate, specific feedback aimed at enhancing all facets of your training—from perfecting your timing, cues, rewards, and verbal markers, as well as mastering leash handling and decoding the subtle body language cues from your dog. My ultimate commitment is to equip you with the essential, hands-on skills for long-term success with your dog.


    Forget generic group classes, set your dog up for success in the world they live in! I take the training to where you and your dog need it the most. Your journey starts with an in-depth, in-home session. From there, we have the flexibility to continue refining their behavior at home or progress to various stimulating environments—be it parks, pet-friendly stores, or hiking trails—to develop your dog’s skills in real-world scenarios.


    While many trainers overlook the importance of session notes, I prioritize them as a crucial component for lasting success. It’s a tall order to remember every detail from each training session which is why my extensive notes act as your ongoing roadmap for effective training. My client materials have been meticulously crafted and regularly updated over hundreds of hours. Session notes include direct links to any purchase recommendations given, custom training reminders, a training “homework” list to help you stay on track, and detailed training instructions.


    As my client, you have multiple channels of communication—whether it's email, text, or a scheduled phone call. Whether you're encountering new challenges or just want to ensure you're on the right track, my support doesn't end when the session does.


    Looking to fine-tune your at-home training? Feel free to send over a quick video of your practice sessions. I'll review your video and provide you with actionable feedback to ensure you and your dog are on the right track.

    Ever find yourself puzzled by your dog's behavior? A video can say a thousand words. I'll weigh in with my expert analysis to put your mind at ease and guide you on how to respond. I'm committed to being your go-to resource for any questions or concerns you may have.


    Good habits stem from good health, which is rooted in sound nutrition. That's why, as a clinical pet nutritionist, I complement training sessions with free, with scientifically-based advice on diet, treats, supplements, and feeding amounts. Whether your dog faces allergies, has health issues, could lose a few pounds, or is already the epitome of health, I've got you covered.


    Have a question after your sessions have ended? You'll have unlimited access to phone or email support for any previously addressed training issues. I’m with you every step of the way!

Training & Behavior Modification Solutions

  • The AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) test

  • Basic obedience training ( sit, stay, down, leave it, drop it)

  • Off-leash recall

  • Puppy training

  • Reactivity & Aggression (towards humans or dogs)

  • Aggression (barrier aggression, dog-on-dog inside of the home, leash aggression)*

    Anxious behaviors

    Barking (at other dogs, at neighbors or passersby, for attention, etc.)

    Behaving on public outings (to dog-friendly stores, bars, restaurants, etc.)

    Clicker training

    Crate training

    Destructive behavior (inappropriate chewing, digging)

    Dog reactivity

    E-collar training

    Greeting guests


    Impulse control


    Leash manners (loose leash walking)

    Marking (inappropriate elimination)

    Off-leash recall

    Puppy biting

    Reactivity (towards people and/or other triggers)

    Resource-guarding assessment and management

    Separation anxiety

    Service dog training*

    Socialization (with people and/or dogs)

    Therapy dog training**

    *Service dogs are trained to perform tasks specific to their handler’s disability (e.g. pick up pill bottles, open doors, alert before a seizure, etc.)

    **Therapy dogs provide comfort to people in nursing homes, schools, treatment centers, disaster areas, etc.